Episode 03.22 // feat. Tomáš Šváb & Snowsleep

Show theme: rhythmic ambient

Show description

Next on The STOLACE RELAY STATION, we’re taking a step into the rhythmic side of ambient music with understated beats, binaural resonance, and the soft influx of melodic rhythms and patterns. Our feature artists tonight are Tomas Svab from Slovakia and Snowsleep from Germany, ushering us into the subdued cadence often found in ambient-influenced electronic music. Plus the music of Cloud Capacity, Pulse Emitter, Nova Loka, Last Days, Homeless Balloon, Foam and Sand, Brighde Cahimbeul, and Andrea Bacci.


Tomáš Šváb



[0:01:56] “Noshine Coast” by Cloud Opacity from “Imaginary North Transmission 004”
[0:05:33] “Snow Diamonds” by Pulse Emitter from “Dusk”
[0:11:11] “Alone and Adrift Without Fear” by Nova Loka from “Lokas”
[0:19:41] “#2” by Tomáš Šváb from “Solitude Journey”
[0:24:22] “20/53” by Last Days from “Windscale”
[0:30:02] “Alaska” by Homeless Balloon from “Oriental Spaces”
[0:35:58] “Circle 31 (feat. J. Foerster)” by Foam and Sand from “Foam and Sand”
[0:41:44] “Idle Curiosity” by Snowsleep from “Songs of Cold”
[0:45:41] “Tha Fonn Gun Bhi Trom - I Am Disposed of Mirth” by Brìghde Chaimbeul from “Carry Them With Us”
[0:51:18] “Breath” by Andrea Bacci from “Perceptions Vol. 2”
[0:54:37] “Whispers in the Wind, Echos of Solitude” by Stolace from “Whispers in the Wind” EP

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