featuring ambient, neoclassical, and new age artists from around the world.
⨳⨳ TUNE IN LIVE: SUNDAYS 9am CST / 1500 GMT at youtube.com/stolace ⨳⨳
Note the time change for those observing the end of Daylight Saving Time!
In today's program I’ve got a special treat in store for you in addition to the two fantastic artists that we’ll be featuring on the program, both of which have created absolutely fantastic music in the ambient genre. My first featured artist KapTep has a brand new release on Chitra Records that makes for an impressive listening experience; and Italian ambient artist Morning Haze has a new independently released EP that explores the liminal space between the waking world and our dreams. Also, later on in the program — a ten-song set from artists with tracks exceeding ten minutes in length — that’s right, we’re doubling the length of today’s program, including some great long-form pieces from the likes of Taylor Deupree, AITIA, Henrik Meierkord, and other amazing artists. Plus new ambient music from Paul Beadoin, Alexis Delozanne, Tamer Elshabrawy, Chris Cox and many, many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for over two hours of global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we’re going to be exploring the vast width and depth of emotions expressed through ambient, atmospheric, and neoclassical music from artists around the world. My two featured albums bring different sets of emotions to the table with their brand new releases. My featured artists include Vermont-based ambient artist Thorny who has a great new album that explores the transitional experience from day to night in their new album “A Long Dusk”; and City of Dawn is out with a brand new remix of Rhucle’s album “Cycle” that feels reassuring and hopeful — something we could use quite a bit of these days. Plus music from Oblivion8, Tiger Arcade, Golden, Jörget Gustafsson, Aaron J. Noth and many, many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for over two hours of global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we're going to take a cue from one of our featured artists and take a trip to all the ends of the earth, showcasing music region by region all around this beautiful planet we call home. My two featured albums on the program are both noteworthy and make for a great listening experience. Sun Rain from Canada has a new album on the Imaginary North label that makes for a great listening session, and Suseti from the north of India has a compelling new album out on Chitra Records that will take you from the edge of your seat to the ends of the Earth. Plus new music from Black Brunswicker, Clone Rainbow, Winter Silhouette and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we're taking a trip all around this beautiful planet we call home, with compositions and song titles inspired by the planet Earth. I've also got two great new albums that we'll be showcasing later in the program — the new full-length album from Black Brunswicker on the Nettwerk Music Group label that invites us to sit and contemplate where we've come from, and a gorgeous track from Zen Lemon's brand new EP 'Notations 74' appearing on Ambient Cat Records. Plus music from Byron Metcalf, Laura Masotto, Billy Denk, Philippe Deschamps and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program, I've got your passport to some absolutely fantastic ambient vibes from artists all around the world. My first featured artist is French composer Philippe Deschamps who has a new EP that is rich with synth vibes and is quite pleasing to the ear. And, Morning Haze is back with another release that marks a transitioning point for the Italian electronic artist, and we're there for it! Plus music from Henrik Meierkord, Hatis Noit, Hiram, Domy Castellano and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program I've got lots of new music that's come across my desk, and I'm eager to share these tracks with you. My featured artists on the program both have inventive new albums out that we'll be showcasing later on in the program. First up I've got an inventive collab from Passetpartout Duo and Inoyama Land that explores collaboration from a childlike spirit. And a lush new EP from ambient guitarist Willows8ng that is your ticket to paradise. Plus music from Billy Denk, Carl Lord, Boreal Taiga and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we're going to be exploring ambient music that is rich with atmospheric qualities. My featured artists on the program are Paul Beaudoin with a new release that just can't be kept a secret, and the dynamic duo Robert Rich and Luca Formentini bringing their second collaborative album into the world — and it is a simply sublime listen. Plus music from Arrival in Eden, Boreal Taiga, City of Dawn and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program I've got lots of great music on tap for leading you to that bliss state of mind, and I have two artists with new albums that will help us do just that. My featured artists on the program are KapTep with a brand new album that will lock in the coordinates and take you to the furthest ends of the Earth, and the new album from Michael D. Tidwell which pays homage to Marvel Comic's epic story of Thanos and the culling of the Universe. Plus music from Domy Castellano, Paul Beaudoin, Philippe Deschamps, Robert Rich + Luca Formentini and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we're honoring the summer solstice with the beauty and splendor of ambient and atmospheric music. I've got two new releases that take us to vastly different spaces, of the mind. Gollden (with two L's) has a brand new EP that captures a day-dreamy afternoon in a hammock quite perfectly. We'll be sharing a track from her sublime EP in a few moments. Also, Byron Metcalf and Dashmesh have collaborated to create a shamanic experience that will help us usher in the summer solstice with an other worldly soundtrack. Plus music from Angel, City of Dawn, Sherry Finzer, Philippe Deschamps, Oberlin, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we're all about that mental voyage the music takes us on — the trip if you will. Ambient music can set quite the stage, and I've got two great artists that deserve a moment in the spotlight. Ed Herbers is out with another full-length album taking us high into the atmosphere, and French film composer Philippe Deschamps takes us through a mystical forest steeped in metaphor inspired by the Divine Comedy. Plus music from Ben Chatwin, Billy Denk, Ghostloop & Atmøsphäre, Gollden, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program we're going to explore contrasts in ambient music, the highs, the lows, the minimalists, the deeply complex, and everything in between. My featured artists on the program both have remarkable new albums that approach minute details from different vantage points — I've got new music from Lorenzo Montanà pushing the boundaries of electronic and ambient music with densely packed arrangements, and Taylor Deupree exploring the finite details and slow evolutionary spaces found in minimalism. Plus music from Bryan Senti and Dom Bouffard, Evenfall, Ben Lukas Boysen, ILUITEQ, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.
In today's program I've got two dream-inducing artists with brand new releases that are a must for your ambient playlists. My first featured artist on the program is Clone Rainbow with their brand new Imaginary North release, and my second featured artists are no strangers to collaboration — the prolific Henrik Meierkord and Marco Lucchi. Plus music from Billy Denk, Domy Castellano, Ed Herbers, M. Cross Dougherty, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.