The STOLACE Relay Station


featuring ambient, neoclassical, and new age artists from around the world.

⨳⨳ TUNE IN LIVE: SUNDAYS 9am CST / 1500 GMT at ⨳⨳
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Episodes tagged with "Ed Herbers"

  • Episode 6.08 // Featuring: Billy Denk and Anthéne | March 2, 2025

    In today's program I’ve got some transcendent ambient music that is off the charts beautiful — helping set the stage are my two featured artists who both have albums that are well worth adding to your ambient queue. Wayfarer artist Billy Denk has a new album that bridges the gap between classic new age music and the ambient genre, an album that will leave you basking in the glow of twilight; and Anthéne on the Home Normal label has a brand new seven-song album that brings a sort of delicacy to ambient music with its minimalist esthetic and careful attention to detail.   Plus new music from Morning Haze, Leafblighter, Loess, William Thomson and many, many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for over two hours of global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.44 // Featuring Entheogenic Sound Explorers and Deep Dive Sound | December 15, 2024

    In today's program we're continuing our ambient voyage around the world, dropping in on various locations to savor some compositions from some noteworthy musicians in the ambient genre. My two featured albums will be leading us on this expedition around the globe. The Italian ambient duo Entheogenic Sound Explorers have a new album that will open you up and take you on a mind-altering listening trip, and Deep Dive Sound from the U.K. has got an album that will stamp your listening passport with excursions through light and shadow. Plus music from Arrival in Eden, Günter Schlienz, Metric System 1981 and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.42 // Featuring Taylor Deupree and E J R M | December 1, 2024

    In today's program we're starting out the month of December with some really cool sets, exploring various textured and resonant ambient pieces, along with a healthy dip into the more experimental side of ambient music. We'll be featuring two new albums on the program that are worth mentioning — new music from the incomparable Taylor Deupree who continues to maintain a high bar in the more experimental side of ambient music, and a new album from EJRM on the Imaginary North label that is perfect for offering up a distraction-free environment to help you focus and maintain a calm state of being. Plus new music from Ah! Kosmos & Hainbach, Lunar Ipona, Stray Theories, SineRider and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.36 // Featuring Michael D. Tidwell + The Goodnight Project and Sebby Kowal | October 20, 2024

    In today's program we're showcasing the more sleepy side of the ambient music continuum — music to help you fall asleep or to chill out and daydream to. My first featured album comes from the collaboration between Michael D. Tidwell and the Goodnight Project, producing a lovely album to usher you off to sleep; and I've got the latest album from Sebby Kowal on Ambient Cat Records, a four-song EP that will be your guide for your next daydream. Plus music from Brannan Lane, Ashot Danielyan, Alaskan Tapes, Taylor Deupree and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.33 // Featuring Arbee and Dellasollounge | September 29, 2024

    In today's program, we're taking a trip through some pretty amazing sounding spaces with back-to-back sets filled with new tracks in the ambient music world. My featured artists on the program both have noteworthy brand new releases. My first artist on the program is French-Canadian artist Arbee with a fantastic texture-rich album, and later in the program new music from Dellasollounge, perfect music for a late evening under a star-lit sky. Plus music from Billy Denk, Angel, Başak Günak, Ed Herbers and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.30 // Featuring Ocoeur and Build Buildings | September 8, 2024

    In today's program, I have loads of fantastic new ambient, atmospheric, and some experimental tracks that I am excited to share with you, plus some great new releases from N5MD and Laaps Records that we'll be featuring today. My first featured artist is Ocoeur — and they have a new release that blew me away. And Build Buildings has a brand new experimental album that's a virtual playground for the ears. Plus music from Alaskan Tapes, M. Cross Dougherty, Arbee, Morning Haze and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.22 // Featuring Gollden and Byron Metcalf + Dashmesh | June 23, 2024

    In today's program we're honoring the summer solstice with the beauty and splendor of ambient and atmospheric music. I've got two new releases that take us to vastly different spaces, of the mind. Gollden (with two L's) has a brand new EP that captures a day-dreamy afternoon in a hammock quite perfectly. We'll be sharing a track from her sublime EP in a few moments. Also, Byron Metcalf and Dashmesh have collaborated to create a shamanic experience that will help us usher in the summer solstice with an other worldly soundtrack. Plus music from Angel, City of Dawn, Sherry Finzer, Philippe Deschamps, Oberlin, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.20 // Featuring Ed Herbers and Philippe Deschamps | June 2, 2024

    In today's program we're all about that mental voyage the music takes us on — the trip if you will. Ambient music can set quite the stage, and I've got two great artists that deserve a moment in the spotlight. Ed Herbers is out with another full-length album taking us high into the atmosphere, and French film composer Philippe Deschamps takes us through a mystical forest steeped in metaphor inspired by the Divine Comedy. Plus music from Ben Chatwin, Billy Denk, Ghostloop & Atmøsphäre, Gollden, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.19 // Featuring Lorenzo Montanà and Taylor Deupree | May 19, 2024

    In today's program we're going to explore contrasts in ambient music, the highs, the lows, the minimalists, the deeply complex, and everything in between. My featured artists on the program both have remarkable new albums that approach minute details from different vantage points — I've got new music from Lorenzo Montanà pushing the boundaries of electronic and ambient music with densely packed arrangements, and Taylor Deupree exploring the finite details and slow evolutionary spaces found in minimalism. Plus music from Bryan Senti and Dom Bouffard, Evenfall, Ben Lukas Boysen, ILUITEQ, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.18 // Featuring Clone Rainbow and Marco Lucchi + Henrik Meierkord | May 12, 2024

    In today's program I've got two dream-inducing artists with brand new releases that are a must for your ambient playlists. My first featured artist on the program is Clone Rainbow with their brand new Imaginary North release, and my second featured artists are no strangers to collaboration — the prolific Henrik Meierkord and Marco Lucchi. Plus music from Billy Denk, Domy Castellano, Ed Herbers, M. Cross Dougherty, and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.16 // Featuring Masaya Ozaki and Thorny | April 21, 2024

    In today's program I have two artists that are going to transport you from where you're seated to another place and time, setting an ambient and atmospheric stage for your imagination. My featured artists on the program are Masaya Ozaki with a brand new release exploring their time in Iceland, and Thorny taking us through a space of reflection on the flooding that occurred in Central Vermont. Plus music from Andrew Schoen, Billy Denk, Evening Ocean, Rotating Tapes, ILUITEQ and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.12 // Featuring Peter Calandra and The Moon Mountaineer | March 24, 2024

    In today's program we're celebrating Piano Day a few days early and will be showcasing a lot of great piano music in the ambient, atmospheric, and neoclassical genres. My featured artists on the program are Peter Calandra and The Moon Mountaineer, both with emotive new neoclassical releases that I'm excited to share with you today. Plus music from Ben Lukas Boysen, Meierkord & Anderson, Ed Herbers, Vetle Nærø and many more.... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.09 // Featuring ILUITEQ + Lorenzo Montanà and Laura Masotto | March 3, 2024

    In today's stream we're launching out into fantastic cinematic and atmospheric soundscapes, and I've got two featured artists on the program that fit the bill. We're showcasing the brand new collaborative release from Italian ambient power houses ILUITEQ and Lorenzo Montanà with a fantastic collaborative album on the n5md record label; and Italian violinist Laura Masotto takes us on a shamanic trip with her cinematic sophomore release. Plus music from Ashramus, Henrik Meierkord, Safir Nou, and many more... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.08 // Featuring The Humble Bee & Offthesky and Henrik Meierkord | February 25, 2024

    In this episode I've got two fantastic artists that we'll be showcasing — each with an incredible album worth the listen end to end. My featured artists on the program are The Humble Bee & Offthesky with a fantastic collaborative sound experience and Henrik Meierkord with a masterful performance in his heart-moving album 'Proscenium'. Plus new music from Arrival in Eden, City of Dawn, Gollden & Willows8ng, ILUITEQ, and so much more... Strap in and make yourself comfortable, join us for the next two-plus hours for global ambient music, on The Stolace Relay Station.

  • Episode 5.06 // Featuring City of Dawn, Sherry Finzer & Karasvana and M. Cross Dougherty | February 11, 2024

    In this episode of The Relay Station, I'm featuring a gorgeous track from the brand new collaboration from City of Dawn, Sherry Finzer and Karasvana, and a dip into the quantum level with M. Cross Dougherty. Plus music from s28, Rotating Tapes, Andrea Burelli, Deepriver, Hania Rani, Doeke, Don Latarski, Cass Anawaty & Brian Fechino, Six Missing, and many more.